- Define hepatitis. H4
- What is HBsAg carrier? H34
- What are the hepatotropic viruses? Hl
- What is acute (fulminating) hepatic failure? Hl
- Tell the classification of acute liver failure. Hl
- What is fulminant hepatic failure? H106
- How many patients with hepatitis B virus infection develop chronicity? Hl
Etiology and Pathophysiology
- What are the common causes of hepatitis? Hl
- Name the drugs causing hepatitis. Hl
- What are the viruses causing hepatitis? A, h7
- What are the hepatotropic viruses? H8
- Classify viral hepatitis./ What is the clinical classification of viral hepatitis? H9,hl
- What are the genomic types of hepatitis viruses? Hl
- What are the common causes of acute viralhepatitis? hl
- Can HDV itself cause disease? H13
- What is the mode of transmission of each virus? Hl
- What is feco-oral route? Hl
- How HBsAg is transmitted vertically? H35
- Does hepatitis C virus cause acute hepatitis? H44
- What are the causes of acute hepatitis? A
- Which hepatitis viruses cause acute viral hepatitis? H10
- What are the causes of chronic hepatitis? A
- Which hepatitis viruses cause chronicity? Hl
- What are the causes of acute liver failure? Hl
Clinical manifestations
- What is the classical patterns of acute viral hepatitis? H16
- What is the classical presentations of acute viral hepatitis? hl
- What is the presentation of hepatitis C virus infection? H43
- What are the features of FHF? Hl
- What investigations do you suggest in acute viral hepatitis? A, hl
- What are the markers of HBV infection? A
- Can you tell significance of antigen and antibody of HBV? H18
- What are the markers of B virus replication? A
- What are the components of liver function tests? H19
- What is window period? Which marker will be found in this period? H20
- What are the points in favour of your diagnosis? hl
- What are your differential diagnoses? A
- Why is this not obstructive jaundice? A
- Why is ths not CCF? Hl
- Why not hemolytic jaundice? A
- Why is this not liver abscess? Hl
- When does jaundice occur in liver abscess? Hl
- What history should be taken in acute viral hepatitis? A
- A 15-year-old boy is diagnosed, he is suffering from acute viral hepatitis but HBsAg is negative. Which virus will you think next? H24
- A 35-year-old lady is diagnosed, he is suffering from acute viral hepatitis but HBsAg is negative. Which virus will you think next? H27
- Why? H28
- Suppose this lady is pregnant, what is your concern? H29
- A patient got admitted in the hospital with jaundice; suddenly he developed unconsciousness, what are the probable causes? H104
- How would you treat a patient with acute viral hepatitis? A, hl
- What is the indication of hospital admission? Hl
- What is the prognosis of acute viral hepatitis? A
- What is the prognosis of acute hepatitis due to hepatitis A? hl
- What is the prognosis of acute hepatitis due to hepatitis E? hl
- How to treat chronic HBV infection? A
- What are the drugs used to treat chronic hepatitis B? h32
- Tell the indications of antiviral therapy. H33
- How to treat a patient with incidental finding of positive HBsAg? A
- How will you manage a case of HBsAg positive pregnancy? H36
- What is the management of hepatitis C virus infection? H45
- What are the principles of management of FHF? Hl
- What are the principles of management of hepatic encephalopathy? Hl
- Against which viruses’ vaccine is available? Hl
- How can you prevent HBV infection? H38
- Can you tell about the route of administration, time schedule and booster dose, duration of protection of vaccine? H39
- Tell Ab response after vaccination? H40
- Which group of patient couldn’t achieve the protection? H41
- What are the other causes of ineffectiveness of vaccine? H42
- What are the complications of acute viral hepatitis? A, hl
- What are the fates of hepatitis B virus infection? Hl
Features of different virus causing hepatitis a
- Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
- Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Discussion on Weil’s Disease (Leptospirosis)
- What is Weil’s disease? What is it’s mode of infection, clinical features, investigation and treatment? a
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