by Ashonko | Jun 17, 2017 | Respiratory system
Questions on examination of respiratory system Rimikri SOLVES Breath sound What are the causes of bronchial breath sound? The causes of bronchial breath sound are: 3Cs Consolidation Cavitation Collapse with patent bronchus Fibrosis * Pre-exam preparation for...
by Ashonko | Jun 17, 2017 | Respiratory system
Rimikri SOLVES Obstructive pulmonary diseases What are the obstructive pulmonary diseases? The obstructive pulmonary diseases are: COPD Bronchial asthma. * Pre-exam preparation for medicine, HN Sarker What are the restrictive pulmonary diseases? The restrictive...
by Ashonko | May 15, 2017 | Respiratory system
Questions on bronchial asthma Definition and classification What is bronchial asthma? A, h76 What are the types of bronchial asthma? A What is cough variant asthma? A What is exercise-induced asthma? A What is occupational asthma? A What is drug induced asthma? A What...
by Ashonko | May 15, 2017 | Respiratory system
Respiratory system Examination of respiratory system Presenting problems of respiratory system Presenting problems Pleural effusion Pneumothorax Obstructive pulmonary diseases Introduction Bronchial asthma COPD Consolidation of lung Tuberculosis Pulmonary fibrosis...
by Ashonko | May 15, 2017 | Respiratory system
Questions on tuberculosis Definition and classification What is tuberculosis? H What are the types of tuberculosis? Hl What is Ghon’s complex? Hl What is Ghon’s focus? Hl What is FDC? Hl Define new case, relapse, treatment failure, treatment after default, and chronic...
by Ashonko | May 15, 2017 | Respiratory system
Questions on pleural effusion Definition What is pleural effusion? A, hl What are the types of pleural effusion according to the color? A What is the Light’s criteria? Hl When is Light’s criteria applicable? hl What is empyema necessitans? A What is hydrothorax?...
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