Definition and classification
- Definition of diabetes mellitus. H
- What are the types of diabetes mellitus? H
- What is the etiological classification of DM? a
- What is HbA1c? hl
- What is hypoglycemia? Hl
- What is severe hypoglycemia? Hl
- What is Whipple triad? Hl
- What is gestational diabetes mellitus? Hl, a
- What is impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)? A
- What is impaired fasting glucose (IFG)? A
- What is latent diabetes? A
- What is potential diabetes? A
- What is brittle diabetes? A
- What are dawn phenomenon and Somogyi phenomenon? A
- What is insulin resistance syndrome or metabolic syndrome or syndrome X? a
- Where is the site of lesion or cause of diabetic amyotrophy? A
- What is hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma (HNDC)? Why no ketoacidosis in such case? a
- Q
Etiology and Pathophysiology
- What are the common causes of hypoglycemia? Hl
- What are the causes of hyperglycemic coma? Hl
- How can you differentiate at bed side? Hl
- What are the causes of DKA? Hl
- What are the causes of glycosuria? Hl
- Name one condition where renal threshold is decreased. Hl
- What are the causes of painless myocardial infarction? A
- What are the causes of sudden death in diabetes mellitus? A
- What are the causes of loss of vision in DM? a
- What are the causes of unilateral wasting of leg? A
- What are the causes of ulcer in DM? a
- What is the pathology of ischemic ulcer? a
Clinical manifestations
- What are the presentations of diabetes mellitus? H
- What are the symptoms of hyperglycemia? Hl
- What are the features of hypoglycemia? Hl
- What are the clinical features of DKA? Hl
- What is the average loss of fluid and electrolytes in adult diabetic ketoacidosis of moderate severity? Hl
- What are the features of autonomic neuropathy in DM? a
- Q
- What investigations do you suggest in this case? A
- What are the indications for oral glucose tolerance test? Hl
- How to perform an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)? Hl
- What is the values for fasting hyperglycemia and impaired glucose tolerance? Hl
- What are the cardinal biochemical features of DKA? hl
- Which type of diabetes do you think? Hl
- What is your differential diagnosis? hl
- How can you differentiate between type I and type II diabetes mellitus? Hl
- Can you tell WHO diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus? Hl, a
- Can you tell ADA diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus? Hl
- A 50-year-old diabetic man on insulin went to walk in the morning after taking insulin. He was found unconscious. What may be the possibilities? H33
- How can you manage the patient? H34
- What are the differences between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma (HNDC)? a
- How can you differentiate hypoglycemic coma and DKA at bed side? Hl
- Suppose you cannot differentiate at bed side, which treatment would you start? Hl
- How to diagnose clinically a case of hypoglycemic coma and hyperglycemic coma? a
- What are the differences between hypoglycemic coma and diabetic coma (coma with ketoacidosis)? a
- What are the differences between diabetic ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis? a
- How can you diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)? A
- What are the differences between ischemic ulcer and neuropathic ulcer? a
- What are the modalities of treatment in diabetes mellitus? Hl
- Please outline the management of diabetes mellitus. Hl
- Please tell the guidelines for care of type II diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh. H
- Please tell recommended composition of diet for people with diabetes. Hl
- What are the roles of exercise in management of diabetes mellitus? Hl
- Which type of exercise will do and how long? Hl
- Classify oral hypoglycemic agents? hl
- What is the indication of metformin? Hl
- What are the contraindications of metformin? Hl
- What is the complication? Hl
- What is the indication of sulfonylurea? Hl
- What is the mechanism of action of DPP-4 inhibitors? Hl
- What is glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1)? hl
- What are the actions of glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1)? Hl
- Insulin
- What are the indications (uses) of insulin therapy? Hl
- What are the insulin preparations? Hl
- What are the side effects of insulin? Hl
- Can you demonstrate how to inject insulin subcutaneously? Hl
- What are the commonly used sites for insulin injection? Hl
- What are the routes of administration of insulin? Hl
- What are the targets of treatment in diabetic patient? Hl
- How can you manage hypoglycemia? hl
- What are the principles of management of DKA? Hl
- What are the principles of management of HONK? Hl
- What are the differences in the treatment of HONK from treatment of DKA? hl
- How to treat diabetic amyotrophy? A
- What is the prognosis? A
- How to treat a case of diabetic ulcer? A
- What are the complications of diabetes mellitus? Hl, a
- What are the complications of fetus in DM during pregnancy? A
- What is the cause of macrosomia in DM? a
- Retinopathy
- What are the types of retinopathy? Hl
- How can you differentiate between diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy? Hl
- Neuropathy
- Classify diabetic neuropathy. Hl, a
- Nephropathy
- What do you mean by microalbuminuria? What is it significance in diabetic patient? Hl
- What is the natural history of diabetic nephropathy? hl