Enteric fever
- What is enteric fever? H2
- What are the types? H3
- What is the mode of transmission? H4
- Tell some infections transmitted by feco-oral route. H5
- What is the incubation period of typhoid fever? H7
- What are the clinical features of typhoid fever?
H8+H9, D339/e40- What is relative bradycardia? H11
- Which type of fever occurs in typhoid fever? H10
- What are the investigations done in typhoid fever? H14
- What is the finding in CBC? H18
- What are the antigens in Widal test? H15
- What are the interpretations of Widal test? H16
- Is Widal test specific for TF? e41
- What is the definitive diagnosis? H17
- How can you treat enteric fever?
H19, e41, am155 - Pregnant female with typhoid fever tx. e41
- What are the complications of typhoid fever?
H12+H13, D340/e42 - What are the systemic complications of typhoid fever? H13
- What is the carrier stage of TF? e42