Questions on presenting problems in gastrointestinal disease
- What is dyspepsia? H10
- What are the alarm features of dyspepsia?
- What are the neurological causes of vomiting? H12
- Give the description of vomiting of gastric outlet obstruction, e.g. pyloric stenosis. H13
- Give the description of vomiting in raised intracranial pressure, e.g. brain tumor.
Hematemesis and melena
- What is hematemesis? H15
- What is melena?
- How can you differentiate between hematemesis and hemoptysis?
- What are the common causes of hematemesis?
- What are the clinical features of upper GI bleeding?
- How much blood is lost to cause postural hypotension?
- How much blood is lost to produce shock?
- What are the investigations done in acute upper GI bleeding?
- What is the management of acute upper GI bleeding?
- Which etiologies bear the worst prognosis?
- Mention the criteria of stool in melena?
- How much blood is required to cause melena?
- Why is stool black?
- What are the usual sites for hematemesis and melena?
- What are the causes of lower GI bleeding?
- Define diarrhea? H30
- What are the causes of acute diarrhea?
- What are the electrolyte imbalances occurring in acute watery diarrhea?
- What are the causes of bloody diarrhea?
- Patient presented with acute watery diarrhea, how will you manage the patient?
- What are the causes of chronic diarrhea?
- What is the most common cause of chronic diarrhea?
- What is steatorrhea?
- What are the mechanisms responsible for malabsorption?
- Define constipation. H39
- What is the most common cause of constipation?
- What are the neurological causes of constipation?
- What are the metabolic/endocrine causes of constipation?
- What are the types of laxative?
Pathological weight loss
- Tell five common causes of pathological weight loss. h44
- What do you mean by significant weight loss?
- What are the causes of weight loss with increased appetite?
Acute abdomen
- What are the causes of acute abdominal pain (acute abdomen)? H47
- What are the medical causes of acute abdominal pain (acute abdomen)?
- What are the causes of abdominal distension?