Definition and classification
- What is GBS? A
- Which type of disease is Guillain-Barré syndrome? l
- What are the variants of GBS? A
- What is Miller-Fisher syndrome? A
- What is neuronal (septic) shock? Hl
- What are the causes of sudden muscle weakness? H94
- Q
Etiology and Pathophysiology
- Which type of paralysis occurs in Guillain-Barré syndrome? l
- What are the causes of flaccid paraplegia? A
- What are the causes of acute flaccid paralysis? Hs
- What is the cause of GBS? What is the mechanism? A
- What are the causes of motor neuropathy? a
Clinical manifestations
- How does the patient of GBS usually present? a
- What are the clinical findings in GBS? A
- What are the cardinal findings on examination of GBS patient? Hl
- What is the condition of jerks in GBS? hl
- What investigations do you suggest in GBS? A, hl
- When will you do lumbar puncture? H89 (10 days after onset of disease.)
- Why will you do lumbar puncture after 10 days? hl
- What are the typical findings in CSF? Hl
- What do you mean by albuminocytological disassociation? hl
- Why do you think flaccid paraplegia? Hl
- Why do you think GBS? Hl
- Why is this not spinal cord compression with neuronal shock? Hl
- Why is this not hypokalemic periodic paralysis? Hl
- Why is this not CIDP? Hs
- What history would you like to ask this patient? hs
- What are the differential diagnosis of flaccid paralysis? Hl
- A 15-year-old boy presented with weakness of both lower limbs for 3 days which is ascending in nature. He has history of loose watery motion 14 days back. What is your most probable diagnosis? H80
- How can you differentiate GBS from poliomyelitis? Hl
- What is the finding in poliomyelitis? hl
- How to treat GBS? A, hl
- What are the indications of IV Ig in GBS? A
- What are the side effects of IV Ig? Aq
- What are the adverse effects of plasmapheresis? A
- When is the patient ventilated? hl
- How can you follow-up this patient? hl
- What is the prognosis of GBS? A, hl
- What are the adverse prognostic factors? hl
- What are the dangerous complications of GBS (cause of death)? a