Definition and classification
- Please tell the principles of management of poisoning. H1
- What are the features of OPC poisoning? H2
- How can you treat this patient? H3
- How atropine and pralidoxime is given in OPC poisoning? H4
- What are the signs of atropinization? H5
- What are the causes of death in OPC poisoning? H6
- What is the common poisoning in childhood? H7
Kerosine poisoning
- A 3-year-old boy ingests kerosine accidentally and is brought to you. Will you give stomach wash? H8
- This patient is well and running and playing after 4 hours. What will you do? H9
- What are the clinical features of kerosine poisoning? H10
- How can you manage kerosine poisoning? H11
Stupefying poisoning
- How will you manage a patient of stupefying poisoning? H12
- What is diazepam poisoning? H13
- What is the lethal dose of diazepam? H14
- What are the clinical features of diazepam poisoning? H15
- How will you manage this patient? H16
Snake bite
- A man is brought to emergency with history of snake bite 3 hours back. On examination, cyanosis, ptosis, dribbling of saliva are found and patient cannot hold his head upright. What do you think? H17
- How can you manage? H18
- What are the types of antivenom? H19
- How to differentiate poisonous and nonpoisonous snake bite clinically? H20
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