- What is primary biliary cirrhosis? A
- What is secondary biliary cirrhosis? A
- What are the diseases associated with PBC? A, hs
- What is anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA)? A, hs
- What are the types? Hs
- Which is specific for PBC? hs
- Q
Etiology and Pathophysiology
- What are the causes? A
- Why itching in PBC? A
- What are the causes of granuloma in liver? A
- What are the causes of anemia in PBC? Hs
- Why bleeding tendency (patichae and ecchymosis) occurs in PBC? hs
Clinical manifestations
- How the patient with PBC usually presents? a
- Q
- What investigations are done in PBC? A, hs
- Why it is PBC? A, hs
- Why is portal hypertension? hs
- What are your differential diagnoses? A
- Why not this is a case of cirrhosis of liver? A
- Why not hemochromatosis? A
- Why do you consider lymphoma as differential diagnosis? hl
- How to treat this patient? A, hs
- How cholestyramine works? a
- What is the prognosis of PBC? a
- What is the best indicator for prognosis in PBC? A
- What are the indications of liver transplantation in PBC? a
- What is the risk of hepatobiliary malignancy in PBC? a