Definition and classification
- What is anemia? A, h1
- Classify anemia. A
- What are the morphological classifications of anemia? H2
- What are the etiological classifications of anemia? H3
- What are the causes of dyserythropoietic anemia? H7
- What is dimorphic anemia? A
- What is spurious anemia? A
- What is spurious polycythemia? A
- What is sideroblastic anemia? A
- What is ring sideroblast? A
- Can you tell name of a syndrome associated with iron deficiency? Hl
- What are the components of Plummer-Vinson syndrome? Hl
- What is macrocyte? H26
- Classify macrocytic anemia? H27
- What is pernicious anemia? H29
- Which tracts are involved in SCD of spinal cord? H37
- Which deficiency is more common: vitamin B12 or folic acid? H38
Etiology and Pathophysiology
- What is the most common cause of anemia in female of Bangladesh (/of developing country)? H8, hl
- What is the most common cause of anemia? H9
- What are the common causes of iron deficiency anemia? H10, hl
- What are the main causes of iron deficiency anemia worldwide? Hl
- What is the daily requirement of iron? Hl
- How does hookworm enter into the body? H21
- How does hookworm cause anemia? H22
- What are the causes of normocytic normochromic anemia? A
- What are the causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia? A, hl
- What are the causes of macrocytic anemia? A
- What are the causes of dimorphic anemia? A
- What are the causes or mechanisms of anemia of chronic disorder? A
- Mention the causes of Vit B12 deficiency? H28
- Please tell the sources of vitamin B12. H31
- Where is the site of vitamin B12 absorption? H34
- How many years are required to develop vitamin B12 deficiency if no vitamin is taken? H35
- What are the causes of folate deficiency? H30
- Please tell the sources of folic acid. H32
- Please tell the daily requirement of vitamin B12 and folic acid. H33
Clinical manifestations
- What are the clinical features of anemia? H12
- What are the specific features of iron deficiency anemia? Hl
- Please tell the neurological manifestations of vitamin B12 deficiency? H36
- What are the signs that may point to a specific cause of anemia? a
- How to investigate a patient with anemia? A, hl
- Please tell the findings of PBF in iron deficiency anemia? Hl
- What diseases may be diagnosed from PBF? A
- What is the confirmatory test for iron deficiency anemia? Hl
- What are the expected findings in iron profile in IDA? Hl
- What are the expected findings in iron profile in anemia of chronic disorder? Hl
- What are the findings in peripheral blood film in megaloblastic anemia? H39
- Please tell the name of the test used to detect vit B12 H40
- Why do you consider this diagnosis? Hl
- Why do you consider panhypopituitarism and hypothyroidism as differential diagnosis? Hl
- Why is this not hemolytic anemia? hl
- How can you treat this patient? hl
- How can you assess response to treatment? Hl
- Why iron therapy is for 3–6 months? Hl
- How can you treat iron deficiency anemia due to hookworm? H17
- How can you manage megaloblastic anemia? H41
- What are the common side effects of iron therapy? Hl